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Maxim Creatine
Creatine is one of the few supplements that is actually scientifically proven to work. It is not mentioned on the WADA prohibited list and does not seem to have any damaging side effects.
Creatine is an amino acid that is mainly present in animal-derived food, like meat and fish. The average daily intake of creatine is around 1 gram per day. The need, however, is around 2 grams per day. Your own body produces creatine to reach that need. Creatine phosphate is present in your muscle cells.
If you start using creatine, your muscle stock of creatine will be increased. This will enhance time to exhaustion, which can be very useful in sprints. Creatine also ensures better recovery between short, explosive exercise; this makes it very useful in interval sports like socker, volleyball, track cycling. Power training can also be considered as interval sports where creatine suppletion is useful.